The Family Room ~ Grand Central Station ~
A family room is an informal, all-purpose room in a house similar to a living room. The family room is designed to be a place where family and guests gather for group recreation like talking, reading, watching TV, and other family activities. Often, the family room is located adjacent to the kitchen, and at times, flows into it with no visual breaks. A family room often has doors leading to the back yard and specific outdoor living areas such as a deck, garden, or terrace. ~ Wikipedia
My family room is my FAV~OR-ITE room in my house! And here is why...
Don't you just love it?!!?!? I mean talk about COZY!!!!! This fireplace is my absolute favorite part of our house! There is truly nothing better than lighting a big, bad fire when the HUBS lights a big, bad fire and we sit and relax with a glass of wine ~ or beer or hot cocoa or milk! Does it really matter what you are drinking when you are relaxing by a fire with your main squeeze? I think not! If there is a fire burning and I am sitting and relaxing...that's all that really matters!
I love my mantel and have such a good time coming up with different ideas for decorating it! The current design is a hodge podge of different items I WANT to use on it...I think its too much...but I love every piece so much and can't decide what to do away with! I know the orange beady things are a bit fally, but it's the only accent piece that own that accents the orange accent wall! (PHEW - that's a lot of accents)!
I am sure that right about now you are wondering where all those GORGEOUS pieces of pottery came from...and I am sure you are wondering where you could get your hands on a piece!?!? Isn't that exactly what you are thinking right now????? Well, they are original works of art my HUBS himself! Yes!!! Have I mentioned yet that my husband is an extremely talented potter...I mean extremely talented! His work is very original and very intricate!
If ever you see a piece that you are just dying to have then by all means shoot me an email or leave a comment! Let me know which piece you are interested in and we can TALK!
This is my picture wall. I love the jagged arrangement of shelves. I change it up every so often...but for the most part it stays the same.
Love my littlest helper!!!
We are still working on the TV corner! We are never quite satisfied with what we've got! I love the Singer sewing machine...and it fits the TV pretty well...but lacks any type of storage.
The HUBS built me a custom corner shelf for the cable box and it's working great! The shelf is made out of a piece of a tree we cut down in the back COOL is that!!!!!!
So ~ What do you think?
Any suggestions for improvements????
Moving on to the next room...
LOVE your fireplace! I love my house but the one thing I wish we had was a fireplace! I'm jealous!