Our Home

Well, this is it!  I'll take you on a room by room tour...some rooms are almost done and some rooms aren't even started!  Most rooms are started and not finished!  You see the Hubs and I are so full of ideas that we can not wait to finish one project because we have to put our new idea into action on another project!  I used to teach kids like us...they drove me nuts! 

On a good day our house looks great ~ neat and tidy and everything is in its place!  On a NORMAL day my house is cluttered with toys, mail, laptops and papers!  I am working on it and I have set a goal for myself for the year to get myself more organized and less cluttered...

I love all the bloggers out there that are sharing their organization tips, if you haven't checked out Becky and all of her organizing tips ~ then by all means click here!  She has super ideas...especially love the linen closet redo!  Mine looks just like all those before shots!  Hopefully someday soon it'll resemble an after shot!  

So - lets walk around my house!  Make yourself at home!!!!!  And by all means, if you have any rearranging or decor ideas please feel free to share!  Some rooms have us particularly perplexed...the living room being perplexing room #1!!!  

Kitchen - UGH
Living Room - HELP
Girls Room - Pretty in PINK
Bud's Room 
Master Bedroom - not so "suite" yet
Bath Redone
Powder Room