Saturday, February 12, 2011

Girly Bedroom


My 3 year old and 2 year old share a room!  It was quite a challenge at first, but in the end we are so thrilled with our decision!  It's so great to have a spare bedroom for out of town guests!  Here's the pink explosion/ super girly bedroom!

If you have a little girl this book is a MUST READ!!!!!  You'll cherish it forever!
We used my Nana and Da's upholstered headboards that I had been saving in my garage for 5 years.  I knew that one day I would want to reupholster those headboards against my husband's will I saved them in a corner of the garage!  

I bought my fabric from JoAnn fabrics...I HATE making decisions!  HATE, HATE, HATE making decisions!!!!!!!  So, I think it took me about 4 trips to JoAnn before I  bought the final fabric!  I finally chose a brown fabric with colored polka dots...way more mod and big girl than what I was originally going for...but I really loved it!  I grabbed my staple gun, some padding and yelled for my husband!  We had the two headboards "reupholstered" in about 30 minutes!  I raced them up to the room and I was in LOVE!!!!

We found some furniture on Craigslist and painted it white.  I love the girls dressers because of the hutches on the top!  They were exactly what I was looking for!  

A nightstand completed the set - and we only paid a whopping $150 for all these pieces of furniture!  The hubs painted everything with his air compressor spray gun and I spray painted the drawer pulls pink!  I am so happy with the way they turned out!

And, what little girls room wouldn't be complete without a dress up chest!  My incredibly creative sister and brother in-law made this dress up holder for the girls for Christmas!  How stinkin' creative is this!?!?!  My bro-in-law made the box with hanger himself and my sis-in-law shopped every thrift store and family member's closet to get a hold of a whole slew of tutu's, flower girl's dresses, necklaces, bracelets, purses and shoes!  If you have any little nieces this is the best gift and super thrifty!!!!!!!

We finished off the room with these window mistreatments! You can see the full post on that here.

SO - I am not done yet!  I still to hang some shelves and add some more wall art...but I am pretty happy with it so far!  It turned out much more mod than I was hoping for!  A new comforter and some wall art and we'll be on our way! 

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