Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bathroom Signage

So, after completing my first wooden sign (see here) I felt the confidence to move forward with the wooden sign I have been dying to do!!!!!!  After seeing Tracy's sign I wanted to make a sign for my kids bathroom.  Her idea to create a sign to remind her kids to brush their teeth was so cute!  I was totally going to copy her idea, then I thought..."NAH, let's be creative!"  

My kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to take baths!  They put as many bubbles in as possible and they turn the jets on and they create a HUGE mess of bubbles!!!!!  The bubbles overflow and Mommy is stuck with a gigantor mess to clean up...but they have SO MUCH FUN!!!!  

So, my idea was to make a sign that symbolizes what they do in the tub... 


I used the same painting technique on this board.  I chose a fun green paint we had laying around in the bathroom.  We love to buy the sale paints at Lowe's or Home Depot (colors that someone ordered but never picked up).  You can get a whole gallon for $5 and a quart for just a few dollars!  Every so often we'll grab a color we like just to have around for projects!  Well, lucky for me, we had picked a great green that would look great in the kids bathroom!  

I wet down the board and my paper towel and I scrunched up the towel and dabbed it in the paint.  I rubbed the paint across the board until I had a nice even coat, not thick, just till I got that white washed look I was hoping for!  

I had a few different stencils on hand.  I decided to use two different fonts because I wanted some definition between the words (I was really tight on space).  

Once the paint dried I sanded it down a bit to rough it up and sanded the edges...then I added a little something extra!  I had oversanded a few spots...OOOPPSSSS...that's what I get for trying to use the palm sander!  Whew - that bad boy has some serious power!  So I had a really sanded spot, but I liked it, but I needed it to blend in a little bit better!  So, I grabbed some dark walnut stain we had and I dabbed the paper towel in the stain and I lightly wiped the towel over the entire board!  This accomplished two things:  

      ONE - I was able to slightly camouflage or at least blend the boo boo                  
     TWO - The stain darkened the words up a bit and created a much more 
               antiqued look

Here is the board in all of her glory!!!!!  I absolutely LOVE her...really, she is so much better than what I had expected!  

If you look closely you'll notice that we added three pegs to the left side of the board.  I wanted to hang a towel rack low enough for my kids (ages 5, 3 and 2) to be able to get their own towels and hang their own towels after their baths.  Clever Hubs thought we could use this sign to accomplish that and boy did it turn out great!  The Hubs drilled three holes and stuck some dowels in and VOILA we have a great sign and a towel rack!  


What do ya think?


  1. I think you did fantastic! I love the sign. Thanks for joining in on the newbie party. Please add my link or button. Also I signed on as a new friend and I hope you did the same. I will be having this party every Monday, and you will be sure to make lots of new friends. XO

  2. That is the cutest bathroom sign I've ever seen! I need to make one now!!! Thank you so much for sharing! I found you on Debbiedoo's.


  3. Thanks so much girls! So glad I finally got myself up and running and found some good parties to join!

  4. You did great w/your sign! And I love the monkey rug! I'm your newest follower from Debbie's party! Would love if you came over to mine for a visit & follow back. :) Allison

  5. What a great job! I love the green color you used. Welcome to blog land. Just became your newest follower. Found you over at Debbiedoo's. Stop by and visit if you get a chance. Blessings, Vicky

  6. Totally LOVE this bathroom! Adorable!! Visiting from Debbie's...
    Love, Amanda


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