Saturday, February 12, 2011

Girly Bedroom


My 3 year old and 2 year old share a room!  It was quite a challenge at first, but in the end we are so thrilled with our decision!  It's so great to have a spare bedroom for out of town guests!  Here's the pink explosion/ super girly bedroom!

If you have a little girl this book is a MUST READ!!!!!  You'll cherish it forever!
We used my Nana and Da's upholstered headboards that I had been saving in my garage for 5 years.  I knew that one day I would want to reupholster those headboards against my husband's will I saved them in a corner of the garage!  

I bought my fabric from JoAnn fabrics...I HATE making decisions!  HATE, HATE, HATE making decisions!!!!!!!  So, I think it took me about 4 trips to JoAnn before I  bought the final fabric!  I finally chose a brown fabric with colored polka dots...way more mod and big girl than what I was originally going for...but I really loved it!  I grabbed my staple gun, some padding and yelled for my husband!  We had the two headboards "reupholstered" in about 30 minutes!  I raced them up to the room and I was in LOVE!!!!

We found some furniture on Craigslist and painted it white.  I love the girls dressers because of the hutches on the top!  They were exactly what I was looking for!  

A nightstand completed the set - and we only paid a whopping $150 for all these pieces of furniture!  The hubs painted everything with his air compressor spray gun and I spray painted the drawer pulls pink!  I am so happy with the way they turned out!

And, what little girls room wouldn't be complete without a dress up chest!  My incredibly creative sister and brother in-law made this dress up holder for the girls for Christmas!  How stinkin' creative is this!?!?!  My bro-in-law made the box with hanger himself and my sis-in-law shopped every thrift store and family member's closet to get a hold of a whole slew of tutu's, flower girl's dresses, necklaces, bracelets, purses and shoes!  If you have any little nieces this is the best gift and super thrifty!!!!!!!

We finished off the room with these window mistreatments! You can see the full post on that here.

SO - I am not done yet!  I still to hang some shelves and add some more wall art...but I am pretty happy with it so far!  It turned out much more mod than I was hoping for!  A new comforter and some wall art and we'll be on our way! 

Thanks for stopping by!  Please become a follower and check back often!  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A VERY Creative Wreath

Well, you've wandered over here either because your curiosity has gotten the best of think you know just what the Hubs made this wreath out of?

What do ya think?  

Can you believe that its made out of butcher paper...a big old roll of brown paper!  Yep, the same stuff that makes brown paper shopping bags!  Isn't the Hubs just the cleverist little thing!?!!?  I wanted to make myself a coffee filter wreath and he thought he'd save me the time by making me this crazy wreath!  

He took a super long piece (8 feet or so) of brown paper from a roll we keep for the kids to draw on.  He twisted the roll and wrapped it around itself...unfortunately he did it so quickly and without my knowledge I couldn't capture any photos.  Hopefully I can talk him into demonstrating for me again and I'll snap a few shots.  

I thought his creativity deserved a cute little black bow and a display spot!  So, this little ditty is hanging on the door that leads to the basement.  

Creativity at its best, I'd say!   I am trying to think of some other ways to embellish this little wreath...any suggestions?

Thanks for stopping by!  Please become a follower and keep popping back!  

Welcome to all My New Visitors

Welcome to Our Quest for Cozy!

I am so excited that I finally got my blog up and running and it has totally become my new obsession!  I am thrilled to have so many new visitors stopping by from FJI and TDC!  So, I just wanted to give a quick welcome and THANK YOU for stopping by!  

This, my friends, is a wreath that the Hubs made!
Guess what it's made of????
Click HERE to find out!
Please feel free to browse my sight, although please stop back again sometime soon because I have so much more to share!   The hubs and I have been very busy and I just don't have enough time in my day to get all these posts up and running!  I am sure everyone feels the same way...If only there were like 27 hours in the day and the kids still went to be at 7:30...then I'd have about 6 hours of kid free time to work on my blog!  Wouldn't that be heaven!?!!  

If you follow me then I promise I'll follow you!  Just leave me a comment with your blog site and I promise to stop over and visit!  I am making so many new friends in blog land and it is so fantabulous!

Thanks a bunch!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

An Old Barn Door

Remember I told you about my hubby's love for another man's trash?!?!  Well, here's another example!  A couple of years ago my hubby showed up with this rather large, rather beat up looking barn door.  I thought it was super cool...but what the heck where we going to do with it?  

I googled, "old barn door decor" and saw lots of great ideas.  Are you like me...I google everything!  Literally everything!  I actually type in questions like, "What's for dinner tonight?" or "How to organize my refrigerator?" or "What color to paint my living room?"  Ha Ha Ha!  Lots of times I'll switch my search to an image search and I get really great ideas fast!  I don't have to click on the site, I can just peruse the thumbnails!  You should try it sometime!  

I back to the barn door!  So, when we started to redo our dining room (more on that later) and our decor started to go totally rustic I thought this is where we need to use that old barn door!  We mounted the door on the wall.  We didn't do anything to change or fix up the door except vacuum out the cob webs and add an extra hinge for some support on the door.  

Here is the door mounted on the wall (with a little sneak peak at the next project).  She really is beautiful all by herself...but I needed to do something to dress her up a bit! 

So - last weekend I threw together a cute little coffee filter wreath!  More on that later, but here she is with her knew jewelry!  

We are getting there!  But the best part, at least in my humble opinion, is the inside of the door!

I really wanted to be able to prop the door open so that we could see the great design on the interior of the door...its what you think of when you hear barn door!  The good old criss cross of wood...

Enter Problem Number 1...if the door is propped open that what I am going to do with the blank wall that will appear in the opening?  HMMMMM...UMMMMM...CHALKBOARD!!!!!!

I LOVE Chalkboards!!!!  I made this little ditty last year for the dining room!

So, I knew what I had to do and I set about my task of creating a chalboard for the inside of the barn door!  

I grabbed a piece of particle board from the garage (actually the Hubs went on that search for me) and he primed it for me.  I applied a billion coats of chalkboard paint (I used Valspar, didn't smell TOO bad).  We sanded in between each coat and I say we because we kinda took turns with the coats! 

24 hours later we had us a cool chalkboard and up she went!  

Here she is...

We always count down till a special event by the number of sleeps we have left!  The kiddies seem to understand that much better than days for some reason!  

I think my old barn door totally could be classified as FUNKY JUNK!  
So, I am linking to Funky Junk Interiors Copy Me Challenge!  

Copy Me Challenge

What do you think???  

Bathroom Signage

So, after completing my first wooden sign (see here) I felt the confidence to move forward with the wooden sign I have been dying to do!!!!!!  After seeing Tracy's sign I wanted to make a sign for my kids bathroom.  Her idea to create a sign to remind her kids to brush their teeth was so cute!  I was totally going to copy her idea, then I thought..."NAH, let's be creative!"  

My kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to take baths!  They put as many bubbles in as possible and they turn the jets on and they create a HUGE mess of bubbles!!!!!  The bubbles overflow and Mommy is stuck with a gigantor mess to clean up...but they have SO MUCH FUN!!!!  

So, my idea was to make a sign that symbolizes what they do in the tub... 


I used the same painting technique on this board.  I chose a fun green paint we had laying around in the bathroom.  We love to buy the sale paints at Lowe's or Home Depot (colors that someone ordered but never picked up).  You can get a whole gallon for $5 and a quart for just a few dollars!  Every so often we'll grab a color we like just to have around for projects!  Well, lucky for me, we had picked a great green that would look great in the kids bathroom!  

I wet down the board and my paper towel and I scrunched up the towel and dabbed it in the paint.  I rubbed the paint across the board until I had a nice even coat, not thick, just till I got that white washed look I was hoping for!  

I had a few different stencils on hand.  I decided to use two different fonts because I wanted some definition between the words (I was really tight on space).  

Once the paint dried I sanded it down a bit to rough it up and sanded the edges...then I added a little something extra!  I had oversanded a few spots...OOOPPSSSS...that's what I get for trying to use the palm sander!  Whew - that bad boy has some serious power!  So I had a really sanded spot, but I liked it, but I needed it to blend in a little bit better!  So, I grabbed some dark walnut stain we had and I dabbed the paper towel in the stain and I lightly wiped the towel over the entire board!  This accomplished two things:  

      ONE - I was able to slightly camouflage or at least blend the boo boo                  
     TWO - The stain darkened the words up a bit and created a much more 
               antiqued look

Here is the board in all of her glory!!!!!  I absolutely LOVE her...really, she is so much better than what I had expected!  

If you look closely you'll notice that we added three pegs to the left side of the board.  I wanted to hang a towel rack low enough for my kids (ages 5, 3 and 2) to be able to get their own towels and hang their own towels after their baths.  Clever Hubs thought we could use this sign to accomplish that and boy did it turn out great!  The Hubs drilled three holes and stuck some dowels in and VOILA we have a great sign and a towel rack!  


What do ya think?

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Recycled Wood Decor

You know the saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure"...well my hubby lives by that saying!  He loves to grab junk from random places...driveways, scraps from his school (junk yards...if they weren't locked down he'd be there all the time) and dumpsters!  He's an what should I expect, right?  Well usually his junk ends up turning into something great...usually!

Case in point...He's been collecting all these scraps of wood...junky, dirty, cruddy looking old wood!  I couldn't imagine what he was going to do with it???  Then last week I realized that I could turn those scraps of wood into some really great signs.  

One day when I was loafing around in blogland I stumbled upon the cutest wooden sign at Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures and I was inspired to create wooden signage all around my house!  

To the scrap pile I went!  I grabbed my hubby's circular saw and cut the wood to the size I wanted.  I decided to start out easy...a name plate!

My last name...KORB.  And our marriage year!  I printed out "EST" and "2004" on my printer and cut it out with an exacto knife to make my own stencils.  I used some stencils I had laying around for decades to spell out KORB.

I grabbed some old paint we had and used a wet paper towel to rub paint lightly across the board!  This method of applying paint was so easy and so fantabulous! looked like it was white washed with red paint.  You can still see all the wood grains!  It's awesome... definitely my new FAV way to apply paint to wood to get that antiqued look!  

I applied all of the paint for the base and then painted the stencils with some leftover paint we had laying around.  The hubs suggested I sand the letters down a bit to rough them up so they didn't look so "NEW"...and boy was he right!  I used the palm sander and roughed up the entire surface of the board and got some great detail out of the grain and really created that antiqued look!  I roughed up the edges and VOILA!!!!!

I am so happy with the way sign number one turned out!  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Roman Shades-ISH


I have been wanting so badly to be able to use those words on my blog!  Am I a total dork, or what?!?!  For those of you who don't know what a window mistreatment is...then you MUST visit the Nesting Place or Thrifty Decor Chick!  Their mistreatments are my inspiration to redo every stinkin' window in my house!!!!!   I really wanted to do roman shades in my Girly Bedroom, but really didn't want to have to do a lot of sewing or thinking!  I bought some extra material that matched the headboards and some black out material to line them with. Sewed a big rectangle (using the dimensions of my window).  I sewed a pocket at the bottom because I had seen a DIY roman shade in a magazine at JoAnn's and I liked the straight edge that was created by inserting a 1/2" pvc pipe across the bottom edge of the shade.  So, I sewed the pocket and stuffed a pvc pipe in there!  Now I have a great straight edge at the bottom, even when the shades are up in roman fashion!  

To make our lives a little easier my husband cut a piece of 2x4 the lenghth of the window and we simply stapled the top edge of the fabric around the wood and then screwed the wood into place.  I love the way they turned out so far.  

My original idea was to just roll them up when I wanted them up, so I attached brown roping to keep them rolled up.  Here's my inspiration:  Roll up shades with Ties

After living with the shades like this for a while I decided I just wasn't happy with them!  Originally they were staying down almost all the time because the little chica was still taking naps and I needed the room to stay dark.  But, now that she has quit napping (booo) I can have them up more often!  

Enter Sarah, that Thrifty Decor Chick, with all her splendiferous ideas!!!!  If she could do a  mocked up version of a roman shade, then so could I!  I hot glued a small loop of ribbon at to different positions on the back side of the curtains...and I screwed a hook into the inside of the window...they attach super took me all of 20 minutes to do this to both windows and I LOVE THEM!!!!!  Really, I love them!  I rarely say that about one of my projects!

I can't decide whether I like them with the little tie ups...or without!?!?!?  What do you think????

Have you ever made a "window mistreatment"?  I'd love to see it UP!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Family Room

The Family Room ~ Grand Central Station ~ 

family room is an informal, all-purpose room in a house similar to a living room. The family room is designed to be a place where family and guests gather for group recreation like talking, reading, watching TV, and other family activities. Often, the family room is located adjacent to the kitchen, and at times, flows into it with no visual breaks. A family room often has doors leading to the back yard and specific outdoor living areas such as a deck, garden, or terrace. ~ Wikipedia

My family room is my FAV~OR-ITE room in my house!  And here is why...

Don't you just love it?!!?!?  I mean talk about COZY!!!!!  This fireplace is my absolute favorite part of our house!  There is truly nothing better than lighting a big, bad fire when the HUBS lights a big, bad fire and we sit and relax with a glass of wine ~ or beer or hot cocoa or milk!  Does it really matter what you are drinking when you are relaxing by a fire with your main squeeze?  I think not!  If there is a fire burning and I am sitting and relaxing...that's all that really matters!  

 I love my mantel and have such a good time coming up with different ideas for decorating it!  The current design is a hodge podge of different items I WANT to use on it...I think its too much...but I love every piece so much and can't decide what to do away with!  I know the orange beady things are a bit fally, but it's the only accent piece that own that accents the orange accent wall! (PHEW - that's a lot of accents)!  

I am sure that right about now you are wondering where all those GORGEOUS pieces of pottery came from...and I am sure you are wondering where you could get your hands on a piece!?!?  Isn't that exactly what you are thinking right now?????  Well, they are original works of art my HUBS himself!  Yes!!!  Have I mentioned yet that my husband is an extremely talented potter...I mean extremely talented!  His work is very original and very intricate!  

If ever you see a piece that you are just dying to have then by all means shoot me an email or leave a comment!  Let me know which piece you are interested in and we can TALK!    

This is my picture wall.  I love the jagged arrangement of shelves.  I change it up every so often...but for the most part it stays the same.

Love my littlest helper!!!

We are still working on the TV corner!  We are never quite satisfied with what we've got!  I love the Singer sewing machine...and it fits the TV pretty well...but lacks any type of storage.  

The HUBS built me a custom corner shelf for the cable box and it's working great!  The shelf is made out of a piece of a tree we cut down in the back COOL is that!!!!!!

So ~ What do you think?  

Any suggestions for improvements????
Moving on to the next room...